Vizion. Member Application

Vizion Member Application

What is your current position in the company?
What is the name of your bodyshop?
Business Telephone
What is your business email address?
Do you have a website? If so, please enter below.
Which areas (postcodes) are you interested in covering?
Do you have BS10125 standard? (Awarded by BSi, CARSQA or RMI)
If working towards, please enter expected achievement date.
Do you have any Manufacturer Approvals?
If yes, please list.
Please let us know of any further information that will help your request to join Vizion.

Connecting the repairer to the customer

By completely re-imagining how to interact with repairers, using the possibilities spawned by next-generation digital technologies and associated business practices, Vizion created Cortex.

A suite of tools to improve commincation with customers, manage jobs and documents, marketing and update customers

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