We are delighted to be well supported by our members and sponsors, because in everything we do, we aim to be relevant, informative, and to offer really good value for money. ABP Club continues to grow and is increasingly recognised as the most credible trade organisation within the UK Body Repair Industry.
ABP Club Website
ABP Club celebrated another hugely successful year for the Club website in 2021. We received a magnificent 1.03 million individual visits, truly keeping its place as The Home of the UK Body Repair Industry.
Daily Newsletter
Sent out to all our 2500 member's personal email addresses at 3pm every weekday. The ABP Club daily newsletter contains all of the industry news items posted on the website forum in the preceding 24 hours.
Quarterly Magazine
The ABP Club quarterly industry magazine 'Auto Body Professional' was launched in 2011 and has a circulation of over 4500 senior decision makers in the body repair industry. Each edition covers in depth analysis of recent news topics, financial results, member profiles, meeting previews and reviews, product news, interviews plus our trademark factually researched reports.